jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2008

Christmas Greetings!

Dear friends,
Buena Tierra Organic Market goes on holidays!! We'll be back again in the same premises next year on Wednesday the 9th of January at 8:00am.
Don't miss it!!!

To you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

¡Felices Fiestas!

Hola queridos amigos,
la Feria Orgánica Buena Tierra va de vacaciones y regresará en las mismas instalaciones el próximo año, Miércoles 7 de Enero a las 8am.
¡Los esperamos!

También queremos desearles una ¡Feliz Navidad y un muy próspero 2009!

lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2008

Coconut oil's secret

For many years I was convinced that being coconut oil a saturated fat, it was very unhealthy if used for cooking purposes.

15 days ago I decided to ask Monica, a friend who sells at the market, a few questions about this issue, as I saw she was promoting coconut oil as excellent for stir frying.
She was very clear explaining to me how mistaken I was.
In fact recent studies have proved that coconut oil can be of great benefit to our health.
According to researchers the secret to health and weight loss associated with coconut oil is related to the length of the fatty acid chain contained in it. Coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids which are different from the common long chain fatty acids as they are not stored in the body as fat, but they are burnt for energy. MCFA burn up quickly in the body.
Not only do MCFA raise the body metabolism leading to weight loss, but they have special health giving properties as well, being lauric acid the most predominant. Lipid researcher Dr. Jon Kabara states: "Never before in the history of man it is so important to enphasize the value of Lauric Oils....The medium chain fatty acid and monoglycerides found primarily in coconut oil and mother's milk have miraculous healing power". Outside of a human mother's breast milk, coconut oil is nature's most abundant source of lauric acid and medium chain fatty acids. These acids also have anti-microbial and anti-viral properties.
Coconut oil is also a good source of folic acid, group B vitamins, calcium, magnesium and potassium.

If you are interested in purchasing coconut oil don't miss the organic market next Wednesday.
If you can't make it you can contact:

Coco Rico Ltd
Tel: 2203-3423, 2582-0164
Fax: 2582-0019
E-mail: cocorico@racsa.co.cr

See you at the market!!!
Laura Barra
BuenaTierra Staff

Los secretos del Aceite de Coco

Durante muchos años estuve convencida que el aceite de coco, por ser una grasa saturada, representava una amenaza a nuestra salud si utilizado para freir alimentos o para uso comestible.

Hace dos miércoles decidí hacerle unas preguntas al respecto a Mónica, una amiga que participa en la feria, porque me di cuenta de que estaba promocionando la venta de aceite de coco para uso comestible, además de una gran variedad de otros productos a base de aceite de coco (jabones de tocador, detergentes para la ropa, lavaplatos, etc...) .
Mónica me explicó lo equivocada que estaba.... contrariamente a todas las creencias, recientes estudios descrubieron lo beneficioso que el aceite de coco puede ser para todos nosotros.
En pocas palabras el aceite de coco es un alimento excepcionalmente nutritivo que ayuda en la lucha y prevención de enfermedades, ayuda a perder peso y a no volver a recuperarlo. El aceite de coco es rico en ácido laurico (la leche materna contiene el 56% de ácido laurico) el cual es un probado agente antivírico, antibacteriano y antihongos.
Contrariamente a las creencias, la grasa saturada es necesaria para una nutrición optima. Hay tres tipos de grasas sautradas y los cocos contienen la más sana: los Ácidos Grasos de Cadena Media.
Esos ácidos son enviados directamente al higado y se transforman inmediatamente en energía acelerándo el metabolismo. Como consecuencia el cuerpo quema más calorías lo cual se traduce en perdida de peso, aumento de energía y vitalidad.
El aceite de coco es además fuente de ácido fólico, vitamina B y minerales como calcio, magnesio y potasio.

Si quieren adquirir el aceite de coco no se pierdan la feria el próximo miércoles, pero si no pueden ir pueden también contactar:

Coco Rico Ltda
Tel: 2203-3423, 2582-0164
Fax: 2582-0019
e-mail: cocorico@racsa.co.cr

Saludos y hasta el miércoles
Laura Barra
BuenaTierra Staff

sábado, 25 de octubre de 2008

Taller de mosaico

Queridos amigos,
es un gran placer para mi anunciarles que nuestra amada amiga y reconocida artista Rebeca Fernández Zeledón, está impartiendo un taller de mosaico cada Martes de 8:00 a.m. a 12:00 m.d.

El costo del taller es de sólo ¢15.000,00. Los materiales y todas las piezas artísticas que pueden crear están incluidos.
¡No se lo pierdan!

En "Casa de Barro", San Rafael de Escazú, 100mts Sur Este de Plaza Rolex (misma entrada de "El Café de los Artistas").
Tel: 2228 6003
Laura Barra
BuenaTierra Staff

Mosaic Workshop

Dear friends,
it is a great pleasure for me to inform you that our beloved friend and renowned artist Rebeca Fernández Zeledón, is giving a mosaic workshop every Tuesday from 8:00 a.m. till 12:00 m.d.

The cost of the workshop is just ¢15.000,00. Materials and all the art works you can create are included.
Don't miss it!!!

At "Casa de Barro", San Rafael de Escazú, 100mts south east of Plaza Rolex (same entrance of "Café de los Artistas").
Tel:2228 6003
Laura Barra
BuenaTierra Staff

martes, 30 de septiembre de 2008

El trabajo de Joan

Hola queridos/as amigos/as,
espero hayan pasado un buen fin de semana. Mañana como cada Miércoles es día de feria. Favor recordarse que abrimos a las 8:00, no antes.

¿Se acuerdan que hace 2 semanas escribí sobre una amiga y clienta de la feria que organizó el Festival de Yoga en el CENAC?

Ella se llama Joan (o Vimala) y hace también parte de un grupo de personas que cada mes organiza una COCINA SOPA.

Muchos de Ustedes se preguntarán: ¿Qué es una cocina sopa? Bueno, ellos compran, cocinan y alimentan a los indigentes hambrientos de la zona roja cerca de la Coca Cola en San José. ¿Que les parece?....

El Domingo pasado, 28 de Setiembre, también salieron a la calle. Además ahora se ocupan de CENTROS DE ATENCIÓN AL ANCIANO y de ORFANATOS.

Si quieren unirse al grupo contribuyendo con tiempo o dinero, con donaciones o servicios en ayuda de estas causas tán valiosas, por favor contacten a uno de ellos.
Pueden actuar en su propio barrio, o salir a la calle con el grupo. Pueden dedicar el tiempo que tengan disponible sea eso una mañana o tarde por semana o por mes, unas horas de vez en cuando para dar de comer y cuidar a estas personas acompañándolas, leyendo y hablando con ellos.
Si hay alguna especialidad que pueden compartir con el grupo, favor comunicársela.
  • Vimala (Joan Martha) 8393 0995 - Cocina Sopa & Centros de Atención al Anciano, Santa Ana
  • Vaishnavi 8302 1499 - Cocina Sopa & Orfanatos, Escazú
  • Kumar & Khullood 2282 6922 - Centro de Cocina Sopa, Santa Ana & Escazú
  • Ekhart 8834 7924 - Orfanatos, San José
  • Maribel 2271 4337 - Centros de Atención al Anciano & Orfanatos, Curridabat

Laura Barra
BuenaTierra Staff

Joan's work

Hi everybody,
hope you had a nice week end. Tomorrow like every Wednesday is market day. Please keep in mind that we will be open at 8:00.

Do you remember that 2 weeks ago I talked to you about one friend and customer of ours, Joan (or Vimala), who supported the Yoga Festival at CENAC?
Well, I want to inform you that Joan is part of an organization that, since last spring, organizes a monthly SOUP KITCHEN.
What is a soup kitchen? You will probably ask.... Well, they purchase and cook food in order to feed the hungry people in the red light district near Coca Cola once a month. Not bad!!!!

Last Sunday 28th September, they went out again..... Now they also visit ORPHANAGES and ELDERCARE CENTERS.

They kindly ask people willing to help and joining them by contributing with time or money or by donating goods or services to these very worthy causes, to give a call to one of them.
It is possible to act in your own neighborhood. You can donate whatever time you have available to help, feed and nurture these people by reading to them, accompanying them, talking to them. Please let them know if there is some specialty you can share with these communities.
  • Vimala (Joan Martha) 8393 0995 - Soup Kitchen & Eldercare, Santa Ana
  • Vaishnavi 8302 1499 - Soup Kitchen & Orphanages, Escazú
  • Kumar & Khullood 2282 6922 - Soup Kitchen Headquarters, Santa Ana & Escazú
  • Ekhart 8834 7924 - Orphanages, San José
  • Maribel 2271 4337 - Eldercare & Orphanages, Curridabat

Laura Barra
BuenaTierra Staff

viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2008

The Eco-friendly Bag

Dear friends,
once more we are so surprised of the great success our market is having each week. We thank you so much.

I also want to inform you that from next Wednesday you will have the chance to purchase these wonderful eco-friendly bags distributed by Terra Nostra Association:

These reusable shopping bags are may be a bit more expensive of the ones distributed by big chains of supermarkets, but they support a very noble cause.
  1. These eco-friendly bags are made by a group of women of San Miguel de Desamparados, many of them being single mothers carrying the responsibility of their family over their shoulders
  2. Buying the reusable shopping bag, not only you will help to cut pollution, but you will contribute to give a 25% of the profit to the Handling of Residues Educational Program organized by ATN
I believe these are 2 great reasons to buy the reusable bag!

Laura Barra
BuenaTierra Staff

El Bolso Ecológico

Queridos/as amigos/as,

una vez más estamos sorprendidas por la gran cantidad de gente que visita nuestra feria cada semana. Nunca me cansaré en agradecerles.

Quiero informarles que a partir del próximo miércoles, estarán a la venta los lindísimos bolsos ecológicos de la Asociación Terra Nostra. Estos bolsos son talvez un poco más caros que los distribuidos por las grandes cadenas de supermercados pero tienen una muy noble causa.

  1. Estas bolsas son hechas por un grupo de mujeres de San Miguel de Desamparados, las cuales son también amas de casa y cabezas de hogar.
  2. Además al comprarlas Usted no solo ayudará a no contaminar nuestro medio ambiente, sino que contribuirá a que el 25% de lo recaudado sea dirigido al Programa de Educación en Manejo de Residuos que la ATN está desarrolando.
¡Me parecen dos muy buenas razones para adquirir las bolsas reutilizables!
Laura Barra
BuenaTierra Staff

domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2008

Yoga Festival Reminder

As already mentioned last Wednesday, our dear friend Joan (which is a good customer of the Organic Market) is one of the organizers of the Yoga Festival which is taking place in CENAC next September 26th.

Laura Barra
BuenaTierra Staff

miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2008

¡Wow! ¡Somos célebres!

Es increible cómo la feria se esté haciendo más y más popular cada semana. Muchas gracias a todos Ustedes, de corazón. Hoy algunos productos se habían acabado a las 9:00 por lo que vamos a hacer un pedido más grande la próxima semana.

Les recuerdo que la feria empieza a las 8:00am. Si llegan antes pueden recoger sus productos pero tendrán que esperar para que se les aliste la cuenta.

¿Ya probaron el pan de centeno que hace Don Elías? Es delicioso y deliciosos son sus queques, sus galletas, ect... ¡Se los recomiendo!

Además, necesito saber si tienen sugerencias... por lo que les pido que por favor nos envien sus comentarios.
Por su información
Nuestra cliente y amiga Joan organiza el "Festival de Yoga para Todos". Este bonito festival se llevará a cabo el día 26 de Septiembre en el CENAC de 9:00am a 5:00pm.

Amantes del Yoga, ¡no se lo pierdan!

Laura Barra
BuenaTierra Staff

Wow!!! We are becoming popular!

Yes, it is really amazing! Every week more and more people visit our market!
Today many goods were already sold out at 9:00, so that we are going to make a bigger order for next week.
Please remember that market starts at 8:00am. If you come there earlier, you can pick up your goods, but you will have to wait to have your bill made up.

Did you already tried the rye bread Don Elías makes? It is delicious, and delicious are his cookies, cakes, etc.... I recommend them.

Please, I need to know if you have some suggestion to make.... so, post your comments!!!

For Your Information
Our customer and friend Joan organizes the "Festival de Yoga para Todos"
This nice Festival is going to take place on the 21st of September in CENAC from 9:00am to 5:00pm.
Yoga lovers don't miss it!!!

Laura Barra
BuenaTierra Staff

miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2008

La Feria Orgánica se está populando

Hola queridas/os amigas/os,
muchas gracias por hacer de cada Miércoles un día de feria muy especial.

Hoy estuvimos bien ocupados y varios productos se terminaron antes de las 10.00. Entonces recuerden llegar temprano para aprovechar de toda la variedad ofrecida. Si creen que no pueden llegar a la feria, ya saben que me pueden llamar (Laura 8840 8414) y con gusto les entregamos. Eso sí, tienen que contactarme a más tardar el Lunes a las 12.00.
Cobramos ¢1.000,00 para entregas en el área de Escazú, ¢1.500,00 en Santa Ana y Rohrmoser, ¢2.000,00 en Mora y Ciudad Colón.

También quiero recordarles que ya no nos permiten parquear al interior del lote que hospeda la feria. Muchos carros hacen que la pintura de la cancha de basket y el cesped se lastimen. Lo siento, pero sé que nos entienden.

Eso es por el momento.
¡Ah!.....me encantaría conocer su opinión sobre la feria..... si tienen sugerencias o críticas... por favor envien sus comentarios, así podremos mejorar.

Hasta el próximo Miércoles
Laura Barra
BuenaTierra Staff

Organic market is getting busy!

Hi dear friends,
thank you again to help us making every Wednesday a great market day!!!

Today we were pretty busy and many goods were already sold out before 10.00.
So remember..... the earlier you come the better.

If you think you cannot make it and you still want to do your shopping you know you can call me (Laura 8840 8414) and have it delivered, but please call within Monday 12.00.
We charge ¢1.000,00 for deliveries within the Escazú area, ¢1.500,00 Santa Ana & Rohrmoser and ¢2.000,00 Mora & Ciudad Colón.

I also want to remind everybody that parking inside the property where the market takes place is not allowed anymore.... the fact is that cars cause damage to the paint of the basket rank and to the grass. I am sorry, but I know you understand.

So that's all for today, but I really would like to know your opinion about the market.... if you have any suggestion or critic to make.... please post your comments they will just help us to improve!!!

See you next Wednesday!

Laura Barra
BuenaTierra Staff

miércoles, 6 de agosto de 2008

Feria orgánica Buenatierra - Mapa e informaciones para el parqueo

Hola amigos y muchas gracias por visitarnos cada Miércoles en la feria.
Lo de arriba es un mapa que, siguiendo la línea roja, les explica donde estamos ubicados (de la Paco en San Rafael de Escazú, subir +/- 1 km, estamos al frente del bar Snoopy). Lo siento es un poco pequeño, pero no me fué posible subir una imágen más grande.

Tenemos que pedirles nuestras disculpas porque ya no nos permiten dejar que se parqueen los carros en la cancha de basket (se lastima la pintura) y en el cesped. Por favor dejen sus automóviles parqueados a los lados de la carretera y muchisimas gracias por comprender.

Hoy Ena y Jaguar (los muchachos del pan) no pudieron llegar. Regresaron de Mexico ayer en la noche y les fué imposible hornear el pan. Me pidieron de informar a todos que sin falta la próxima semana estarán en la feria.

Nuevos vendedores participaron a la feria de hoy: Isolde y su hija llegaron con unas tortillas de maís orgánico y queso que son una delicia. ¡¡¡No se las tienen que perder!!! Además Isolde trae una sartén eléctrica para que Usted las pueda probar en el lugar calientitas.....
Isolde y su hija venden también exquisitos apretados de mora orgánica y pulpa congelada de mora orgánica para sus frescos.

¡¡¡Una vez más tenemos buenas razones para pedirles que no falten!!!
Hasta el próximo Miércoles

Laura Barra
BuenaTierra Staff

Buena Tierra Organic Market Map & parking info

Dear friends,
Thank you so much for visiting our market weekly. Above is a map that shows you how to reach our location (follow the red dotted line). I hope it is clear enough, I couldn't upload it in a bigger size. Mainly we are 1km South (uphill) from Paco Mall, just in front of the Red Cross Building (or bar Snoopy), downtown Escazú.

I also have to apologize about the parking. We are not allowed anymore to let people park on the basket rank, as it takes the paint off, nor on the lawn. We kindly ask you to park your car along the road sides (thank you for understanding).

Ena and Jaguar (the bread people) couldn't make it today. They came back from Mexico yesterday night and of course they didn't have time to bake. They asked me to inform everybody that they won't miss next Wednesday market.

Today we had a new entry: Isolde and her daughter joined us with their great organic corn and cheese tortillas. They are so good!!! Plus, you can try them warm as Isolde comes with an electric pan to heat them. From them you can also buy organic blackberry ice creams and organic blackberry frozen pulp to make delicious juices.

Once again we have a good reason to ask you to come and visit us!!!
See you next Wednesday!

Laura Barra
BuenTierra Staff

jueves, 31 de julio de 2008

Last Wednesday was great too!

Hello friends,
thank you so much again to visit our organic market.

I want to inform all the people who couldn't come last Wednesday, that we have new organic products. Don't miss our delicious and juicy apples and plums! We also have red onions and eggplants!

Another reason not to miss the market next week is that Ena and Jaguar (the bread people) are back!

Soo... see you there, but remember.... some products are already sold out before 10.00am, so don't be late!

Laura Barra
BuenaTierra Staff

Este Miércoles también fué super

Hola amigas/os,
como prometido voy a editar el blog en Español también.
Ante de todo muchas gracias por llegar puntuales cada miércoles a la feria orgánica. ¡¡¡Los últimos dos miércoles nos fué de maravilla!!!

Quiero informar a todos los que no pudieron llegar este miércoles, que tenemos nuevos y deliciosos productos orgánicos. No se pierdan unas jugosisimas manzanas y ciruelas. También tenemos cebollas moradas y berenjenas.

Además la semana pasada Ena y Jaguar (los del pan) andaban fuera del país, pero van a estar de regreso para atender la feria del próximo miércoles....así que ¡No falten!

Ah...como siempre les recomiendo llegar bien temprano. Ciertos productos se terminan antes de las 10.00am.

Un saludo a todos y....hasta el miércoles!!!

Laura Barra
BuenaTierra Staff

viernes, 25 de julio de 2008

Wednesday 23rd July, what a great day!!!

I want to thank all the people who visited the market last Wednesday! It was great! We sold everything out!

New sellers joined us too! The market now offers a wide range of organic and natural products: from our veggies and fruits to goat and cow cheeses & yogurts, from bread and cakes to cosmetics, perfumes and biodegradable free of chemicals cleaning products.

Remember market starts at 8 o' clock every Wednesday.... don't be late! Some products are already sold out before 10.00am!

See you next Wednesday then.....

Laura Barra
BuenaTierra Staff

martes, 1 de julio de 2008

Buena Tierra Organic products list

here follows a list of our products.

Usually at the market we have a greater choice, but it can also happen that if it rains a lot or if , on the contrary, the weather is too dry, some products are not available.

Please, try to understand... this is part of what organic means (fresh, vulnerable to weather conditions, local, typical of the season)
  • Baby Carrot
  • Beetroot
  • Blackberry
  • Bokchoy
  • Broccoli
  • Brown Rice
  • Cabbage
  • Carrot
  • Cauliflower
  • Celery
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Chocolate
  • Coffee 500gr
  • Coriander
  • Cucumber
  • Dry black beans
  • Dry red beans
  • Fresh kidney beans
  • Green bean
  • Green Lettuce
  • Herbs (Basil, thyme, rosemary, parsley,…)
  • Lettuce Lolo
  • Onion
  • Orange
  • Parsley sauce
  • Pesto sauce
  • Pineapple
  • Potato
  • Red Cabbage
  • Romain Lettuce
  • Rucola
  • Spinach
  • Spinach American Kind
  • Spring onion
  • Squash piece
  • Strawberries
  • Sweet Pepper
  • Sweet Potato
  • Swiss chard
  • Tomato

Laura Barra
BuenaTierra Staff

lunes, 30 de junio de 2008

Weekly Market of organic veggies and herbs

Hi everybody, my name is Laura Barra, I come from the North of Italy and with my husband I moved to Costa Rica 15 years ago. In this country was born our lovely daughter Sarah, who is now 12. With my friends Honey and Fiona since 2 months I run the weekly market of organic veggies and herbs. It takes place every Wednesday from 8.00am to 11.00am. in the garden opposite the Red Cross building located downtown Escazú, 1km South of Paco Mall (going towards the Cemetery).

Now, let me introduce our group!

Honey Akerson is a wonderful lady who came to Costa Rica from the U.S. with her husband 30 years ago. They fell in love with the little village of Pochote, near Tambor in the Nicoya Peninsula where they settled and grew up a big family. The need of feeding her 8 kids the best and healthier way, pushed Honey to organize and help a group of local farmers in order to get organic certifications. She then started selling their products in Montezuma every Saturday giving birth to the first organic market in the area (but I think in the whole the Country), which later on she extended to the beach towns of Malpais/Santa Teresa and Tambor.

Fiona Lamont 18 years ago moved from England to Costa Rica where she got married to Alex and had 3 lovely girls.

Like Honey, Fiona and I were also living close to Montezuma, in Cabuya, and both were good customers of Honey's organic market. Once moved to the Escazú area we kept on buying organic products in supermarkets, but we were kind of missing the quality and freshness we were used to in Montezuma.

For this reason and being aware that such a market was necessary in a community like the one of Escazú, Fiona decided to contact Honey and see if she agreed to start selling her veggies in this area too. Honey's answer was positive and immediately Fiona started looking for the appropriate place that could host the market. Finally she managed to get all the permits from the Municipality and have it happen in the garden opposite the Red Cross Building.

As far as I'm concerned, I help with the sale of the goods every Wednesday, I accept orders and do deliveries whenever people cannot make it to the market and with Fiona I take care of the promotional side of the project.

The purpose of this blog is to give voice to the market. Please tell us what you think about it, give us your suggestions, post your questions. I will be glad to know your opinion and to answer your enquiries.

If you are new to the market you probably don't know that other people joined us with their products:

Carola sells exquisite goat and cow yogurts and cheeses made in her farm in Coronado. Maria Fernanda delights us with her body and face soaps, creams, essential oils all made from organic herbs. Ena and Jaguar bake uncomparable bromate free brown bread flavored with organic herbs, seeds and nuts. Otto and his wife Melanie offer excellent biodegradable, ecological cleaning products.

So, don't wait any longer!!! Come next Wednesday! The earlier, the better.... great variety!

Laura Barra
BuenaTierra Staff